I like learning new things about sound, and trying to understand aspects of music in new ways. Below is a growing list of stuff, in no particular order, that I’ve found useful and/or thought-provoking (or just kinda cool) over the years, and that I hope might be inspiring for other people too. I’ll keep adding things here whenever I remember to do so…
Marc Sabat: Helmholtz-Ellis Just Intonation notation
Kyle Gann: The Arithmetic of Listening
Generating Sound and Organizing Time
Derek Holzer and sound-modulated light
Miles Okazaki- Fundamentals of Guitar
Miller Puckette- The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music
Miller Puckette - Acoustics for Musicians and Artists
Albert Bregman- Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual Organization of Sound
Fred Lerdahl & Ray Jackendoff: A Generative Theory of Tonal Music
Khyam Allami: Lemma and Apotome
Diana Deutsch: Auditory Illusions
Jonathan Wild: Genus, Species and Mode in Vicentino’s 31-tone Compositional Theory
mannfish: Learn to hear harmonics
Mark Fell: Work in Sound and Pattern Synthesis
3Blue1Brown: an animated introduction to the Fourier transform